In this task you will write an email to a friend after a trip.
WeiterlesenAutoren-Archiv: jan.guelker
Writing – Blog Entry – Zero Waste Challenge (200 Words)
In this task you will write a blog entry about your experiences during a zero waste challenge at school.
WeiterlesenWriting – A Report – Lost Luggage (80 Words)
In this task you will write a report about your lost luggage during a trip to London.
WeiterlesenWriting – Blog Entry – Digital Detox (180 Words)
In this task you will have to write a blog entry about your experiences during a digital detox challenge.
WeiterlesenWriting – Email – Illegal Waste (100 Words)
In this task you will have to write an Email to the environmental authorities about a crime you witnessed.
WeiterlesenReading – Greta Thunberg – A Global Climate Advocate
Read the following article about Greta Thunberg’s journey as a climate activist.
For each question, tick (✓) the correct box a, b or c (scroll right to see the next question).
For each question there is only one correct answer.
Reading – Interview with Emma Carter
Read the interview questions and Emma Carter’s answers.
Decide which answer is most suitable for each question.
There are more answers than questions.
Drag the correct letter (A-H) in the box next to the question.
Each letter can only be used once.
Reading – Short Texts 3
Read the texts below and the statements a, b and c under them.
Decide which of the statements is the correct one for each text.
Put a tick in the box next to the correct statement.
Reading – Marcus Rashford – From Academy to Activism
Read the article about the English footballer Marcus Rashford.
For the questions, tick (✓) the correct box true or false
and give the line(s) of reference in the text.
Reading – Katherine Johnson – A Hidden Figure in Space History
Read the article about the American mathematician Katherine Johnson.
For each question, tick (✓) the correct box true or false and give the line(s) of reference in the text.